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so fun! I had a great time. Well made and I really got no complaints. Would love to see you make a larger scope project! 

Glad to hear it :D

There will be bigger projects in the future, but may not be Tank-o, unless it gets popular suddenly :p

well I will be keeping an eye out and sharing this with friends. Great job :)


 if you are fast enough to break the floor  where Ybot is standing he just keeps walking  after falling  and goes out of the facility, Tbot just stands there, game frozen. 

aniway, good stuff all around the chem labs ost is a standout

Glad you liked it :D

I tried but never manages to get that fast to break the floor so haven't seen that :O

Should be an easy fix, thanks for the heads up.

the end sequence for the chemical sector spooked me hard, both slime ¨pit¨ and the final bit.

cute stuf m8, 

aniway, i found a bug, sometimes when im near enemies or about to be hit by their projectiles, my game pasues. i though it was a combination of key presses causing it, but i havent been able to repeat the bug willingly

okaying with a controller btw

(1 edit)

found whats causing the bug, its when i press 4 keys at the same time, diagonal movement + jump + shoot, but only on gamepad.

Interestingly... issue only happens on windows.

The issue is that you maybe press the left thumbstick down while going diagonally, which should show the map... but opens menu instead. Works fine on linux.

Also, on windows, doesn't show the buttons to press when gamepad is inserted, while it works on linux, again...

So many people missed that part xD

Need to look into that.

>press the left thumbstick 

OH that explains why it only happened when i was near an enemy, i was panick-pressing hahahaha

also, if you aim up the pause, when you un-pause you will remain aiming up till you crouch

Interesting bugs. Gonna need to check em out. And here I thought I tested things enough by now xD

This looks awesome ! you know my Friend and I (+some other guys) are making game in climate of old 70s railway. And we are currently looking for another programmer are you available ?

I have a lot of projects on my plate so I am not interested at the moment xD

I can't tell you how devastated I was when I got that first ending. I was getting Cave Story vibes before but after that it was much stronger. I am curious, there were a couple jumps in there where I just barely hit an edge and it felt like I slowed down and was able to pull myself up. Was that something that you intentionally put in to forgive players for not quite making the jump or was it maybe a glitch of some kind? Thanks for the awesome game!


Glad you enjoyed it and that the ending had a similar impact :D

Cave story was definitely among inspirations. Would probably get even more cave story like had I continued working on it, from the plans I had.

The slide that happens randomly is a glitch. I didn't look too hard into removing it since it can mostly helps the player instead of causing problems, so seems like a plus to me :p

Doesn't seem to run on Apple silicon :(

Even if you try the steps outlined in the linked youtube video? If it doesn't work, then that's a big issue with Godot to not support all newer macs :<

Yup, the application opens fine, gets to the loading screen, then bombs out.  

Fascinating... I will try ask around and see if there is anything I can do. Thanks.

Awesome, much appreciated, thank you